Some of the works we are most proud of.

Anna Iriyama Youtube channel

Olympic Channel "Is it possible?"

People who build the games

NHK - Masked Nation
NHK World / 30-minute TV documentary.

Culture Trip - The king of ramen

TF1 - Grand reportages

TF1 - Le chef japonais des stars

ARTE - Invitation au Voyage
3 x 10-minute documentaries for French-German TV channel ARTE

CNN Digital - The rainbow gardens
Located just an hour's drive from Tokyo is the 23-acre Ashikaga Flower Park, home to over 350 brilliantly pastel-colored flowers including Japan's oldest and largest wisteria, which adorns an entire half-acre in bright hanging bulbs. The park is a year-round attraction, with seasonal plants that creates an ever-changing sense of magnificence, as nature puts on a show. All you need to do is wake up and smell the flowers.

NHK - Back to the land
28-minute TV documentary - Feeling unfulfilled with life in the city, Itaru Watanabe quit his safe corporate job to follow his dream of opening a bakery in rural Japan. Risking it all, Itaru moves with his family to Chizu, in one of the most depopulated areas of Japan. The ageing town is desperate for new blood and welcomes the family. But life in the countryside is difficult, and success is elusive. He writes a book that becomes a hit with young urbanites that dream of a better life beyond the corporate rat race and start flocking to his bakery. Will Itaru find success in Chizu and help revitalize the battered economy of Japan's countryside?

CNN's Great Big Story +3 Million views
In Japanese society, women are not traditionally trained to become sushi masters. Myths persist that women’s hands are too warm for raw fish, their makeup will block their sense of smell and their menstrual cycles affect their sense of taste. Nadeshiko Sushi is challenging all of that with Japan’s first and only all-female sushi restaurant in Tokyo. There, seven women prove it doesn’t take a man to make a mean sushi plate.

Fishing for development
United Nations University in Iceland
Promotional campaign: a series of 3 videos showing the positive impact of Iceland's UN University Fisheries Training Program on improving fish handling and food safety in developing countries.
Each video features the story of a participant in the training program, who is on a quest to find solutions to the problems faced by her home country.

Tadao Ando Samurai Architect
NHK BS Premium, NHK World
Tadao Ando is a world-renowned architect and the recipient of the Pritzker Architecture Prize, the profession's highest honor. He has captivated people around the globe with elegant concrete designs that reflect the Zen principle of simplicity. In sharp contrast to Ando's refined minimalist creations, the 73 year-old former boxer and self-taught architect has an aggressive personality, a sharp tongue and a unique sense of humor. These seemingly contradictory traits add to his appeal, and when combined with his disciplined work ethic and his keen aesthetic sense, they help to explain why he has been called the "Samurai Architect." This documentary follows Ando over a period of one year and unveils his creative process. Here is the definitive portrait of the man known as the Samurai Architect.

Taming the wild tuna
Wall Street Journal Live
In 1970, scientists at Kinki University in Japan embarked on a quest to breed and grow Pacific bluefin tuna in captivity. Nearly a half-century later, they are on the verge of success.

Creepy-crawly eaters
Documentary series - In development
Would you eat bugs? More than 2 billion people are already doing it! Oxford investigator Charlotte Payne treks through Japanese forests and Congolese jungles with these creepy-crawly eaters, tracking down, cooking and feasting on organic insects. She wants to discover if eating these surprisingly nourishing bugs could help us deal with the growing crisis in obesity and malnutrition.

Girl Under the Sea
NHK World / 28-min TV Documentary
The film follows three generations of Japanese women divers in one family, exposes the challenges of the trade, and highlights the sacrifices one young woman is making in her effort to keep the tradition alive.

Hungry for Bugs
NHK World / 28-min TV Documentary
Bugs are highly nutritious and can help fight world hunger. Some enthusiasts in Japan are trying to create a new trend out of an old tradition: bug cuisine. They hope their efforts will help revitalize a battered regional economy, as well as sustain astronauts on their future missions to Mars. These Japanese cuisine pioneers put their creativity to work in convincing people that bugs can not only be tasty but also environmentally friendly and a sustainable food source.

Metropolis TV
VPRO - The Netherlands
Award-winning documentary series that compares remarkable stories from the daily lives of citizens all over the world on various themes. Each episode is a quest for the similarities and differences between cultures in our world, that becomes smaller every day.

Rikuzentakata's miracle boat
Al Jazeera - News
The 2011 tsunami sent a Japanese fishing boat from the devastated town of Rikuzentakata on a 13 month voyage across the Pacific. It reached the coasts of California in April 2013, where locals and students identified it, striped it of layers of barnacles and sent it back to Japan.

Alien Hunters in Indonesia
United Nations Environment Programme.
This films shows the efforts to control alien species of plants in Indonesia's natural protected areas and plantations.

Safer fisheries in Tanzania
United Nations
Documentary about fisheries in Tanzania and the efforts of the Iceland-based United Nations Fisheries Training Programme to make fish safer in the East African country.

Nepal's community forests
Institute for Global Environmental Strategies
A documentary about the forest communities in Nepal. They have been managing their forests for more than 20 years with excellent results for the conservation of the environment.

Sado Eco-island
Promotional video for the University of Tokyo research project Eco-Island Initiative in Sado Island on the Sea of Japan.

IGES Forest Governance - elearning video
IGES - Forest Governance Standard

Our World 2.0 Trailer
Our World web magazine shares the research, ideas and actions of global citizens who are transforming our lives for the better.
This award-winning web magazine exchanges insight on these pressing topics through videobriefs, articles, debates, photo essays and public events.
Our World 2.0 web magazine reaches a broad cross-section of public, private, and academic audiences. Our key community consists of "influential leaders of the future", predominantly 25- to 45-year-olds, from both developing and developed countries.
Original Music and Graphic Design By David Jiménez

Still photography works
Wall Street Journal, United Nations

Geothermal energy world
United Nations
Documentary series about the global geothermal energy industry, including episodes on Iceland, Kenya and El Salvador.

Central Asian stories
United Nations
Documentary series about environmental issues in post-soviet Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan.

Land of the bees
United Nations
Kyrgyz peasants revive the old craft of beekeeping to protect the environment.

Voices of the Chichinautzin
Broadcasted by Canal 22 (Mexico & US). Winner Sandcastle Award for Best Feature Docu- mentary - Moondance International Film Festival 2008 (US). Best Science and Technology Documentary - Festival de la Memoria 2008 (Mexico). Festival Internacional de Cine de Guadalajara 2009, Artivist Film Festival 2008.

Geothermal Kenya
Geothermal Kenya

Nature's bounty and wisdom
India Satoyama.

Book of seasons in Kanazawa
Book of seasons in Kanazawa documentary.