French Business Awards 2021

Gala - French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Japan

French Japanese Business Summit

TechBIZKON III event

Valrhona discovery box

Kornit Japan

IELTS promo video

J-League promotional videos for DAZN

Nissan - Seeking new heights
Testing his limits at 7,000 meters: the winner from Japan region, Hironobu Shimosawa.

AIG reforestation CSR

CNN Digital - The rainbow gardens
Located just an hour's drive from Tokyo is the 23-acre Ashikaga Flower Park, home to over 350 brilliantly pastel-colored flowers including Japan's oldest and largest wisteria, which adorns an entire half-acre in bright hanging bulbs. The park is a year-round attraction, with seasonal plants that creates an ever-changing sense of magnificence, as nature puts on a show. All you need to do is wake up and smell the flowers.

Interviews with presidents, Nobel prize winners, CEOs and experts.

Keep me protected and warm

ISLE Project
ISLE Project promotional video

CNN's Great Big Story +3 Million views
In Japanese society, women are not traditionally trained to become sushi masters. Myths persist that women’s hands are too warm for raw fish, their makeup will block their sense of smell and their menstrual cycles affect their sense of taste. Nadeshiko Sushi is challenging all of that with Japan’s first and only all-female sushi restaurant in Tokyo. There, seven women prove it doesn’t take a man to make a mean sushi plate.

Sado Eco-island
Promotional video for the University of Tokyo research project Eco-Island Initiative in Sado Island on the Sea of Japan.

UN Convention on Biodiversity
Campaign to promote the UN Convention on Biodiversity meeting in Nagoya, Japan. 2010.

World Humanitarian Summit 2014
Promotional video and event coverage for the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.

UNU Conversation Series video interviews
The UNU Conversation Series was launched in 2013 as a collection of interviews with leading thinkers from around the world who have been invited to speak at the UNU Centre in Tokyo about pressing global issues of relevance to the United Nations and the member states.